Sketchu's story

Blog 4: Learning from the failure of art start-ups

Sketchus Tu Ho

How many times you can fail with art until you become successful. Art at a crossroads: hand drawing vs. digitalization

Blog 4: Learning from the failure of art start-ups

Sketchus Tu Ho

How many times you can fail with art until you become successful. Art at a crossroads: hand drawing vs. digitalization

Blog 3: Is there reflection thanks to creative ...

Sketchus Tu Ho

How to draw strength and beautiful emotions from drawn art or portraits. From Doubt to Passion: An Illustrator's Journey

Blog 3: Is there reflection thanks to creative ...

Sketchus Tu Ho

How to draw strength and beautiful emotions from drawn art or portraits. From Doubt to Passion: An Illustrator's Journey

Blog 2: Awakening a childhood dream of art

Sketchus Tu Ho

How art shaped my life and which works of art were crucial building blocks. Becoming a professional portrait illustrator with passion: Our inspiring journey

Blog 2: Awakening a childhood dream of art

Sketchus Tu Ho

How art shaped my life and which works of art were crucial building blocks. Becoming a professional portrait illustrator with passion: Our inspiring journey

Blog 1: History of the artist company Sketchus

Sketchus Tu Ho

Today is about the starting shot of our artist company Sketchus

Blog 1: History of the artist company Sketchus

Sketchus Tu Ho

Today is about the starting shot of our artist company Sketchus

How did I get into this situation?

Sketchus Tu Ho

In front of me is an almost finished pencil drawing and the clock is already striking midnight... I remember as a child I used to draw every free minute I...

How did I get into this situation?

Sketchus Tu Ho

In front of me is an almost finished pencil drawing and the clock is already striking midnight... I remember as a child I used to draw every free minute I...